Free Web Hosts

This blog post is a directory of all free web hosts. We will continue to add more hosts and to update the page on a continual basis.

InfinityFree screenshot

Website: InfinityFree

InfinityFree offers free web hosting with no forced ads on your website. InfinityFree is sponsored by iFastNet. InfinityFree’s paid hosting options take you to iFastnet.

Some of the features that InfinityFree offer are listed below.

000webhost screenshot

Website: 000webhost

000webhost offers free web hosting with no ads. 000webhost is sponsored by Hostinger. 000webhost’s paid hosting options take you to Hostinger.

Some of the features that 000webhost’s free web hosting plan offers are listed below.

Some of the features that 000webhost does not offer are listed below.

FreeHostia screenshot

Website: FreeHostia

FreeHostia offers free web hosting with no forced ads as well as paid web hosting starting at $2.95 per month.

Some of the features that FreeHostia’s free web hosting plan offers are listed below.


Website: FreeHosting

FreeHosting offers free web hosting with no ads as well as a paid hosting option.

Their free hosting package is perfect for a small website like a WordPress blog.

FreeHosting’s free web hosting package can serve roughly 30000 daily visitors of PHP-based website, or virtually unlimited visitors of pure HTML website.

FreeHosting does not allow configuration of their servers and also does not provide any services to users from Brazil, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Vietnam.

FreeHosting does not offer free email on their free web hosting accounts, but is available as a one-time billed add-on or as part of the paid subscription.

googiehost screenshot

Website: googiehost

googiehost offers free web hosting with no ads and is sponsored by

Some of the features that googiehost’s free web hosting plan offers are listed below.

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